Better Life Strategies
Better Life Strategies, a place for individuals to get Clarity about the keys to A.C.E. their life. Open your eyes to who you are in your heart and map your journey for the next 1-3 years. Build the life you want with awareness, clarity, and empowering strategies to keep you focused and growing forward. Build a life you love to live in!
Free Resources
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Founder, and CEO/CFO. Brandy is a dedicated professional helping individuals get clarity about what they REALLY need to succeed in life and business. With her expertise in both business strategy and life coaching, Brandy offers a comprehensive approach to helping people design a Roadmap to Success and finding Clarity with small shifts that lead to big impacts and achieving your goals with ease.
Define Core Values
so you stay committed to your success
Get Clarity
about the big picture and YOUR vision of your future
Laser Focus
on what will make the biggest impact

Set Goals
attainable goals that actually work for you
Create a Strategy
to put your plan in place
Receive Support
from a coach to guide you through the challenges that will come up
Stay on track with Accountability
& Motivation!
The A.C.E Your Life program will help you:
1 hr
60 US dollars
Book a Life Coaching Session
Schedule coaching as often as you need. No long term commitment required. You can start or stop at any time depending on your business needs.
Top 2 stress busters in life? Better communication and making self-love a daily practice. Listen now to learn how to start stressing less today.
Business Bites with Brandy

Do you...
create goals and start to make changes, but life happens, you get sidetracked and never follow through on making your goals happen?

Do you...
get excited and start something new, but then have a great idea about something else and that distracts you from your original endeavor? Now you have a bunch of new hobbies and half-finished projects cluttering up your life?

Do you...
ever have this conversation with yourself:
"I work really hard, and I've come really far, but I know I can do more with my life."
Does this sound like you?

Then you...
look at your list of things to do and go, "AAAHHHHGGGG! I want to get more out of life, but it's SO overwhelming!! I don't even know where to start!?" After stressing out about everything, you give up and get distracted (binge Netflix/scroll through social media).
Is this a repeating pattern in your life, meanwhile the years go by and nothing changes?
You are not alone! All of those scenarios have been true at some point in my life. And every year millions of people who struggle with these situations seek help from coaches so they can push past the noise of overthinking, fight the fear and doubt, and overcome the obstacles holding them back. It's why I sought out my first coach too.